NA 542 is the last member of BONGO® helicopter
family. It is is a fully composite, twin enginet, single rotor
helicopter without tail rotor certified in the Normal category
according to the FAR 27, 33, 34, 36 regulations. Even the
standard configuration helicopter has VFR flight capability
and is capable of take-off and landing with one engine inoperative.
Helicopter is powered by two rotary piston engines (Wankel
type). Two turboshaft engines could me mounted as an alternative.
The overall concept reflects the latest helicopter technology.
The utilisation of modern physics and aerodynamics has made
it possible to compensate for the torque momentum of the main
rotor without the need for a traditional tail rotor or fenestrone.
Cabin is designed for 1+4 passenger configuration but Helicopter Emergency Service (HEMS) version can accomodate pilot, doctor and one patient. |
COCOMO, proprietary patented system for the complete
compensation for this momentum has been used in case of the
NA 542 helicopter. From the manufacturing point of view,
this has resulted in a significant reduction in the compexity
of mechanical transmission and reduction gear boxes. This
also eliminates interference problems arising from the typical
combination of two rotors and decreases the noise level, both
on the ground and during flight. The low noise level was achieved
by the elimination of the main source of high frequency noise
of the tail rotor. Used materials and manufacturing technologies
will assure maximum overall safety of the crew despite the
low mass of the helicopter and beacause of its high utilization.
NA 542 is in a project stage
right now. We are looking for investors who would help us
to fund the Protoype manufacturing & flight tests.
If you are interested in helicopter project investment, contact
us at for
more details.